What we do
An Intensivist provides medical care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or High Dependency Unit as it is also known.
ICU patients are often the sickest, or the most at-risk patients in the hospital. Many patients need specialist, high-intensity care after a procedure such as open-heart surgery, a major bowel resection or major spinal surgery.
A large number of patients in ICU require organ supports including dialysis (kidney support); ventilation for lung support; vasopressors for circulation support or invasive nutrition to support the gastrointestinal tract.
Other patients do not necessarily require organ supports but do require specialist monitoring in the ICU; for example invasive cardiovascular monitoring, neurological observations or regular blood sample analysis etc.
A number of our patients in the ICU are admitted from the Emergency Department, or from regional hospitals that lack specialist services.
If you would like to enquire whether your loved one would benefit from a place in our ICU please click the link below.