Anaesthetic Risk

Modern anaesthetics are very safe if you are in good health. However, all procedures have some risks, so the following two documents set out a way to evaluate these risks against the risks we take everyday without thinking too much about them.


Risk at a glance

Here are some of the common events and risks that healthy adult patients of normal weight face when having a general anaesthetic for routine surgery. Source: The Royal College of Anaesthetists


Risk Explained:

This booklet looks at risk in the context of everyday life and helps you assess your personal risk when undergoing an anaesthetic.


Risk and side effects:

Please find below some useful booklets which explain possible risks and side effects, also sourced from These provide detail of specific risks associated with your anaesthetic, including side effects or complications that could occur.


Additional Information

Please find some further useful information on caring for someone who has had a general anaesthetic or sedation